How to creatively use flexible packaging for health supplements? 

Today, humans have become more diet conscious than ever. The large credit for this trend goes to the pandemic we have faced in recent years. According to a study, 73 % of people said the virus had made them health-conscious.

It means that consumers are turning back to natural and healthy food. Moreover, they are shifting toward ingredients that offer a nutritional boost. Hence, the supplement products market is growing at a rapid rate.

The research found that the global nutritional market was US$ 335.24 billion last year. Moreover, experts predict the market will reach US$ 624.7 billion by 2030. It means a 7.1% growth rate each year from now.

These stats show a lot of earning potential in the dietary supplements business. But it also predicts tough competition among supplement brands. Since every business works hard to stand out its products, how would you compete?

The answer is simple, Flexible packaging! Read on to learn the uses of flexible packaging for your brand. I’ll show you some best flexible packaging designs for health supplements.

Here is the video about supplement product packing design.

Flexible packaging for health supplements

Supplement manufacturers recognize the benefits of flexible packaging. This form of packaging offers many advantages over traditional rigid packaging. It helps maximize the shelf life of supplements while minimizing costs.

Supplement products like protein powders need special packaging to ensure product freshness. Moreover, sports nutrition also needs packaging that offers protection from harmful factors. It includes moisture, oxygen, UV light and bacteria.

Flexible packaging provides an innovative solution for all these products, including vitamins. It has greater barrier protection than rigid containers. Moreover, these pouches also need fewer resources and cheap production processes.

It makes these packages more attractive for supplement brands. Additionally, it allows more creativity in designing. You can create unique shapes, textures, and visuals with flexible packaging.

It will grab your customer’s attention on store shelves. The following section shows the creative uses of flexible packaging.

The best uses of flexible packaging for health supplements

·         Use flexible packaging for marketing your supplement brand

When marketing your health supplement, it needs to think beyond traditional methods. With the rise of digital printing, the best way to boost your brand is through flexible packaging.

This packaging provides many benefits to companies. You can use flexible packaging to create customized designs for your health supplements.

You can use vibrant colors and custom shapes or even include unique features such as a tight seal. This kind of customization will make your products more attractive and memorable.

Furthermore, you can use flexible packaging to convey important product information. You can use labels and prints on the packaging to list nutritional information. It includes ingredients, dosage instructions, and nutrients range for customers.

Customizing your flexible packaging is a great use of branding opportunities. It makes products much easier to identify on store shelves.

·         Use nutritional supplement packaging to increase supplement sales

You can use flexible packaging to increase sales. Consumers prefer quality over quantity. With nutrition supplement packages, you can be more confident about the product freshness.

Flexible packages provide a barrier between the outside and the inside. It protects powder supplements from oxygen, UV light, moisture, heat, etc. It, in turn, locks in taste and quality by maintaining freshness. 

It allows customers to get more from their nutritional products. And when consumers receive quality personal care items, they will come back for more. That is what we need.

·         Use flexible packages to save money

Flexible packaging is an excellent choice to save money on supplement inventory. Unlike rigid packaging, flexible packages don’t need expensive materials. They often need less material than standard packages.

It leads to lower costs in manufacturing and shipping. This packaging also reduces wastage. Thus it helps save you more money. For example, ensuring exact portions with flexible packaging is much easier.

Hence, you can avoid overproducing and incurring extra costs. Furthermore, these pouches take up less space on the shelf and display racks. It is important when trying to reach customers.

It is because retailers don’t stock a large amount of your product if it takes up too much room. So, with a smaller package, you can be sure that your product stands out amongst others on the shelf. Moreover, consumers will have easy access to it.

·         Use flexible packaging to showcase your product

In a retail environment, visibility enhances the trust factor of consumers. Consumers like to see the product before purchasing it. And flexible packaging allows them to do that.

The transparent nature of flexible packaging allows consumers to view what is inside. It makes them more likely to buy your health supplements. Moreover, you can add clear windows or even panel cutouts in your packaging.

It gives customers an even better look at the contents of your products. It will further increase their trust in your brand and make them more likely to make a sale.

Furthermore, with windows, consumers can see the amount of product. It will give them an understanding of how much product they get for their money.

·         Use flexible packaging to save the environment

Saving the environment is as essential as saving one’s life. And flexible packaging can help you achieve this. Companies use recyclable materials to make these pouches.

It includes kraft paper, mono material, PE, etc. These materials need fewer resources in production. Hence, they have a much smaller environmental footprint.

It makes them a great choice for brands looking to reduce their carbon effects. It also helps you create a sustainable package that consumers will appreciate.

Additionally, flexible packaging requires less energy to produce. It means less wastage of heat in the atmosphere. It will further save our environment from harmful heat rays.

Best flexible packaging options for supplement brands

Several flexible packaging options are popular among brands. It includes:

·         Stand up pouches

These are popular choices for supplements. These are like regular pouches. But these bags have a bottom gusset that allows them to stand up. This feature makes them easy to store and display.

Stand up bags are lightweight, easy to store, and have a wide opening for easy dispensing. You can add many features for the convenience of consumers.

It includes hang holes, resealable zippers, etc. Moreover, these bags are sustainable. You don’t have to worry about the safety of the environment.

·         Resealable pouches

It is the convenient form of a pouch. People love the packaging that can keep their products fresh and reusable. And resealable pouches provide these features.

You can seal or reseal the pouch in many ways. It includes heat seals, zippers, etc. Moreover,  these bags keep the product safe from harm.

Moreover, these bags are customizable. You can print your company’s logo, graphics, labels, etc., on these packages. You can also add features for the convenience of users on these bags.

·         Single serve pouches

Single serve pouches make it easy for customers to take their supplements on the go. It is because they can easily fit in a purse or pocket. These pouches allow for easy part control.

It can benefit customers who need to take a specific amount of vitamins. Moreover, these bags can be more cost-effective for customers. It is because they only need to buy the supplement they need rather than buying a larger bottle.

Besides convenience, single serve pouches ensure the freshness of the supplement. These pouches can be an effective way to market and promote products. You can print them with the brand’s logo, name, and other information.

·         Clear sachets

These sachets allow consumers to see how much of a supplement they take. It helps them to stick to the recommended dosage. And when people find your product packaging useful, they will return to your brand.

These bags are often resealable. It can help to preserve the freshness and potency of the product. They are also lightweight and easy to transport. It can reduce shipping costs.

Here is the video about how to package dietary supplements on a VFFS packaging system.

·         Stick packs

Stick packs are a popular option for powders and liquids. These are long tube-like boxes. Like single serve pouches, these bags are ideal for small dosages or one-time use.

They are easy to open. But you can’t reclose these bags. You can also customize stick packs.

But these pouches don’t provide enough surface area for branding. It is because they have long compact shapes. Moreover, stick packs don’t need large storage space.

You can stack them one above the other or place these bags side by side. It thus helps save space on shelves for more packages to display.

These packages are ideal if you sell a small number of dietary supplements. Moreover, if you have a very low budget, this package would be your best bet.

Wrap up

Flexible packaging for health supplements can be versatile and have many uses. You can create any shape of a pouch. They increase the shelf life and decrease the shelf space.

They will provide customers with a better product while reducing your overhead costs. So, why set for standard jars or bottles when there is a flexible package? Order these pouches and print them with special graphics that promote your supplement.


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